Buy/Sell/Trade Boards Forums FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

What to Post and Where

The classified boards (For Sale, For Trade, For Auction & Wanted) are intended for 3 3/4" G.I.Joe: ARAH or related ads. Do not post anything for sale that is not G.I.Joe related. Ie, no Playmobil, Transformers, etc. Non-G.I.Joe related sale or trade posts belong in the Off Topic Section.

Scanned Comics

Please do not use the boards to sell scanned copies of comics in any form.

YoJoe Negotiation

YO JOE is not responsible for any transactions and cannot negotiate or become involved in any transactions.

Dubbed Video Tapes

Please do not use the boards to sell dubbed video tapes. If you are interested in buying a copied set of the cartoons, a list of reputable fan dubbers is at Trading cartoon tapes is acceptable, as is selling original videos (FHE or Kid Rhino, etc).

Trading non-G.I.Joe Items

Offering to trade G.I.Joe for non-G.I.Joe items - or vice versa - is acceptable

Search FAQ

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