Help Needed Identifying a figure... Please help!

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  1. #1

    Help Needed Identifying a figure... Please help!

    Hi all.

    Got hold of this figure recently and have no idea what it is:

    Its based on a Neo Viper Commander but I've not come across one with this paint combo.

    Anyone got any ideas?


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  3. #2
    I won't be that much of a help but does the plastic feel the same as US versions? Looks like lower quality to me, at least the head. Maybe its the paint that's making me think that. I don't have a viper v.3 near me to look at. Im not sure if FunSkool or Hasbro China used that sculpt at all. There was also that one grocery? store that had different color variations that I always thought looked cheaper.

    Hopefully there was a tidbit of useful info there.

  4. #3
    This is an unreleased sample figure that showed up just before Neo Viper Commander was released. Presumably, it is a preproduction Neo Viper Commander but it could have had a different intended purpose.

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  6. #4
    Looks awesome to me lol
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