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  1. 25th Anniversary Cobra Box Set w/ Joe version of Storm Shadow??!!
  2. Rescu Doc more rare than other?
  3. Stars and Stripes variations--white bazooka
  4. Wild Bill 2 different cards!?
  5. package art
  6. Cobra Commander Leg Buckle Variant. THE RAREST 25th FIGURE?
  7. No Date 1983 Destro variant?
  8. 25th Torpedo
  9. Fuchsia 25th Hiss Driver variant or normal?
  10. ig destro is this variant yet or not have 2 now
  11. Odd 1984 Killer W.H.A.L.E. variation
  12. Destro/IG Comic Pack... Destro with black head
  13. How rare is the black headed destro going to be?
  14. lazy variants from hasbro?
  15. Factory error 1983 Cobra soldier?
  16. W5 2 pack lt falcon stand variant?
  17. Unproduced Grey Anti-Venom Set?
  18. Crimson Guard/ g1 Cobra Officer pack variant?
  19. 25th Variants question
  20. Budo backpack
  21. Duke - '83/'84 vs '88
  22. 1983 Doc variant?
  23. Who has these figures? Show of hands, please!!
  24. Did the Duke Variant rilly exist?
  25. 25th anniversary Strange Figures
  26. maj.blood w/ storm shadow base
  27. 2 carded versions of Firefly?
  28. new file cards
  29. Crotch size does matter to some
  30. Doc w/ New Arms
  31. Wait..which Wraith is the variant?
  32. Which Doc to open?
  33. Packaging variation
  34. Doc mail away V1 or V2
  35. dreadnok ground assault sidecar
  36. 25th RAM CYCLE variant
  37. 1984/1985 Battlefield Accessory Packaging Variants
  38. 1993 Arctic Commandos Set
  39. 1983 Variant Tripwire figure?
  40. Variation photos?
  41. Hard/soft helmets
  42. Ninja Force
  43. Ripper variant
  44. 1984 Hooded CC variant?
  45. Does any one know about a variant with the dreadnok trike
  46. 1993 Iceberg variant... or mistake?
  47. Matt Trakker variant
  48. could this be a variant? help please...
  49. Dusty: Harness/ without Harness
  50. A variant in CC card from 25th line
  51. cobra officer
  52. Possible Variatn Dreadnok Thunder Machine
  53. Spearhead
  54. Possible Cesspool Cardback Variant
  55. HoH Zartan variant/mistake
  56. Skeleton King in wrong pack...
  57. Hong Kong / China / Indonesia
  58. Ninja Ku
  59. Cobra Defiant?
  60. A few possible variants
  61. New Blowtorch ?????
  62. shipwreck variations?
  63. hiss tank
  64. Flash on Bazooka card MOC variant
  65. Timber variant?
  66. Weapons Transport, Whale front gate
  67. Firefly with Gunship Helmet Color Variant
  68. 1991 figures with white eyes?
  69. 1993 mail away deejay misb mic only
  70. Rise Of Cobra Variants
  71. Crimson CAT & SENTRY SMS Boxes variations
  72. Slipstream variant??
  73. 25th Tiger Force Duke Variant?
  74. close due to obvious oversight
  75. She-Hulk version of Bombstrike? Is this a legit thing?
  76. Flagg variants
  77. Steel Brigade cross backpack
  78. 1983 Cover Girl variant?
  79. Tunnel Rat comic pack version
  80. 1983 Hooded CC light blue variant?
  81. Storm Shadow (Arctic Assault) check
  82. Behold!! The elusive gold Storm Shadow!!
  83. Crimson Guard Variation?
  84. Spirit V1 Question
  85. R.O.C gray timber
  86. Which is rarer for ripcord v1 helmet?
  87. Rare Battle Stations Packaging Error
  88. Freefall backpack shades of grey
  89. is this anything special ?
  90. 1985 snow serpent rivets and emblem different
  91. Buzzer FC sticker version?
  92. '86 Lifeline?
  93. How many Recondo v1 Variants exist?
  94. 1988 Repeater Paint variant?
  95. Night Creeper Leader weapons
  96. 1993 Convention Variations
  97. ROC Attack on Pit BARONESS
  98. Agentinean Variants
  99. Yo Joe Corrections? 1991 Snake Eyes parts used for Van Damme Guile
  100. Ripcord dark paint variant?
  101. silver earrings zarana?
  102. Defiant Complex Variant?
  103. Skymate
  104. killer whale variant?
  105. Royal Guard Variant? (hmmm)
  106. Defense of Cobra Island
  107. Spearhead & Max
  108. 87 Techno Viper v1
  109. Psyche-Out variant
  110. Brazil Estrela Breaker Variant
  111. 1992 Ninja Viper Swords?
  112. Variant or Not? 1982 to 1994. Need Help.
  113. 1983 hiss with white stickers instead of red
  114. Wolfhound with footpegs on black torpedo holder
  115. White Out variant
  116. lowlight v1 rifle?
  117. 1983 Swivel Arm Stalker
  118. Mudfighter
  119. Ripper File Card Variant (Tan & Gray with H-1) Pics
  120. 98 V5 Ace Helmet?
  121. 1987 Falcon Variants?
  122. 1986 Serpentor Neck Painted Yellow - Error?
  123. Variant of Cobra Raven
  124. DeeJay Head sculpt
  125. Black AWE Striker with Cobra Stickers?!
  126. weapon difference?
  127. Help please?
  128. 1982 Vamp dashboard variants
  129. Steel Brigade assault rifle variation?
  130. 2003 Swamp Viper?
  131. How rare is a white Python Trooper AK-47?
  132. Mail-in Series Alpine figure
  133. Running Down Variants - Need Help!
  134. 1987 Steam Roller right arm variation
  135. Stiletto 88' Different variant nose possibly
  136. Different Mail-In Vamp?
  137. 1990 General Variant.
  138. Different Vamp II missiles?
  139. Tiger Force Vehicles Variant
  140. uss flagg sound system variants
  141. What constitutes a variant?
  142. night raven drone variant
  143. Variant clarification
  144. Windmill Variant
  145. 2001 laser viper variant
  146. Quick Kick backpack variant?
  147. Blowtorch & Croc Master Paint Variations?
  148. Storm shadow Variants
  149. Possible Wild Bill v1 and Flint v1 Variants
  150. Possible 83 h variant?
  151. Incinerators 1991 "reinforced" launcher
  152. Destro 1992 "reinforced" launcher
  153. Sky Patrol Chute variants
  154. Duke version 1 variants
  155. Starduster File card variations?
  156. possible dusty v1 variant
  157. I think I found a POC Alley-Viper Variation
  158. 1985 Buzzer with light green pants?
  159. 1987 Crossfire on/off switch colors
  160. 1984 Zartan mask variation?
  161. 1986 Serpentor Yellow neck
  162. Dreadnok Air Assault FANG missle variant?
  163. 2003 Agent Faces Mail Away variant?
  164. 2008 TRU Exclusive sets variant question
  165. 1984 Mutt Variation
  166. Factory screw ups..
  167. Techno viper traffic cones
  168. 1986 hawk gun variations not listed in archives
  169. 25th Ann Copperhead Variant
  170. 83 Duke Variant with Long Sleeves
  171. keel haul question
  172. Flagg deck vehicle light vs. dark yellow
  173. Steel Brigade guns question
  174. 1983 Gung-Ho chest colour variations
  175. 84 cobra commander variant
  176. Strato Viper Head/Neck variant??
  177. Night Raven variation?
  178. Variant blueprints
  179. parasite variants
  180. Gi joe storm shadow miscard
  181. Mauler variant?
  182. Sky Hawk Skid & Gun Variations...
  183. 1987 gung-ho v2 variation
  184. baroness v1
  185. Multiple variations inquiry
  186. Recondo questions....
  187. AirBorne version 1 left arm symbol placement variant?
  188. Leatherneck Hat symbol black colored
  189. Yellow / Orange Stormshadow?
  190. APC Mail in variant
  191. Odd vehicles in G.I.Joe catalogues
  192. Armor Bot Variant?
  193. MOC VvV Python Viper with red pockets?
  194. Does anyone know what this vehicle is?
  195. BF2000 Pulverizer w/ RED stretchy thing?
  196. How do you collect Variants?
  197. Collecting US version variants...need help to clarify. 1982 to 1994
  198. Collecting US version variants...need help to clarify. 1997 to 2006
  199. Collecting US version variants...need help to clarify. 2007 to present
  200. Toxo-Viper Helmet variant?
  201. Vintage: Hot Seat variant head paint scheme?
  202. Micro Force
  203. Variations
  204. Steel Brigade Variations
  205. Scarlett's Crossbow
  206. 2012 Con Set Reissue (OG vs IG)
  207. 1983 apc variant
  208. Blanka hair question
  209. European Missile Launcher 15????
  210. Retaliation Variants/Running Changes
  211. Dark green Action Force AWE Striker/No camo Claymore/Gung-Ho V3 vs V4 missiles
  212. Possible major storm helmet variant?
  213. 1990 freefall file card variant
  214. 1982 or 1983 snake eyes variant fc
  215. Who Is He
  216. 82 FLAK variant?
  217. Slaughter's Marauders Low-Light & Footloose weapon variations
  218. R/c crossfire variant, defiant and hammer variants
  219. Baroness weapon variant
  220. Sgt. Slaughter Variant? Need some help.
  221. Chinese V1 Shockwave????
  222. Storm Shadow (V44) Variants
  223. File Cards
  224. FIREFLY (v26) Variation
  225. Red Snake Eyes?Does anyone know what he is called?
  226. Thought everyone would like to see this.
  227. 30th anniversary Steel Brigade Packaging with Sgt. Stalker nameplate on front repost
  228. 1984 zartan variant
  229. Raptor falcon variant? Or just missing paint app.?
  230. Orange Slice variant or Defect?
  231. Collecting US version variants...need help to clarify. 1997 to 2005
  232. An Interesting Discovery
  233. Star Viper 1988 File Card variation? (pics)
  234. 1990 Night Creeper any know
  235. Storm Shadow v1 Backpack...
  236. Cobra Commander versions
  237. 1986 Tiger Fish?
  238. what vamp is this ?
  239. Zap style Bazooka variant. can you identify?
  240. chinese storm shadow variants
  241. Cobra Infiltrator Jinx?
  242. Pile Driver Variant
  243. 1984 Whale Variations
  244. Zartan stole my razor!
  245. "Ghost Recon" Hit and Run V1
  246. Xamot with a Tomax Head is this common?
  247. Shang Tsung V1 Variant?
  248. Maggot Variant
  249. NCL variant
  250. Thrasher variant?