Casa Slaughter's Archivo [Archive] - Forums

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12-03-2012, 05:18 PM
We at Casa Slaughter are willing to continue growing so the Joe community marks us with a visible spot. With that in mind, we've recently launched our own archives section. Our ambition is to become "the Spanish Yojoe", a goal that may look quite overweening seeing the early stage in wich this "Archivo" is right now, but we have serveral open projects that will enrich it with more stuff. Right now, you can see all ARAH spanish filecards, as well as the cardback catalogues. We are still working to include spanish blueprints, blisters and vehicle boxes (althought the latter seems a bit difficult for the spanish community). So, here you are, I hope you find it interesting:

Casa Slaughter - Archivo de Material de Casa Slaughter (

Warning: we haven't had time to optimize this web for Internet Explorer, so, users of IE prior to version 9 will not be able to see it correctly (expect weird things on screen). Sorry for the inconvenience.