a incositency ive noticed in season 2 of the sunbow cartoon [Archive] - YoJoe.com Forums

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03-04-2005, 04:37 AM
remember in arise serpentor arise with baroness gets tepes DNA when they escape the literally bring the house down cauing Mainfrom & beachhead to get trapped well fast forward a few episodes later to a few of my favorite things where serpentor is collecting items from his history they go back to transivania Sp? back to tepes castle!! hmmm looks like somebody overlooked a little detail somewhere along the line

or maybe just figured that 12 year old kids wouldnt notice or could really care less

03-10-2005, 11:06 AM
My guess is it's a mistake and writer Doug Booth just didn't check his facts before writing his show.

But in the interest of saving the plot of an episode, especially an episode in which we see Low-Light in a Falcon Glider, I'll suggest this: "Arise, Serpentor, Arise" refers only to Tepes' crypt--which happens to look like a castle. Only in "My Favorite Things" do we see a building called Castle Dracula. We may be seeing two different buildings; it is certainly possible that Dracula had more than one place of residence/recreation.

Then again, it didn't seem to take too long for the Joes to rebuild their Headquarters after it was destroyed in the first-season opener, so maybe Serpentor had the castle rebuilt during the intervening episodes.

03-13-2005, 12:59 AM
My guess is it's a mistake and writer Doug Booth just didn't check his facts before writing his show.

But in the interest of saving the plot of an episode, especially an episode in which we see Low-Light in a Falcon Glider, I'll suggest this: "Arise, Serpentor, Arise" refers only to Tepes' crypt--which happens to look like a castle. Only in "My Favorite Things" do we see a building called Castle Dracula. We may be seeing two different buildings; it is certainly possible that Dracula had more than one place of residence/recreation.

Then again, it didn't seem to take too long for the Joes to rebuild their Headquarters after it was destroyed in the first-season opener, so maybe Serpentor had the castle rebuilt during the intervening episodes.
yeah i hear ya but it seemed like there was alot of these inconsitencies in season 2 too many to mention from roadblock switching to his old uniform to tons of other stuff

Mr. Angry Beef
03-13-2005, 03:31 AM
Ummm... Dracula/Tepes probably had more than one castle.

03-13-2005, 10:17 AM
In one episode Torpedo or Wetsuit changes outfits literally between frames.

03-13-2005, 11:18 PM
yeah i remember that one it was wet-suit he always switched from civi to his uniform