Spokane Collectors: We have a figure swapper [Archive] - YoJoe.com Forums

View Full Version : Spokane Collectors: We have a figure swapper

04-30-2005, 04:04 AM
*sigh*...and I thought we'd escape without one.

Well, we got one. Mainly I've seen his work at Fred Meyer, and mainly he grabs various Snake Eyes figures. So be on the look out...he's good, whoever he is. I saw one of the figures he swapped (a wave 3 single pack SE swapped with a Ninja Battles black dragon ninja) and I still don't know how he resealed the card so pefectly.

Just a heads up.

04-30-2005, 12:56 PM
That's really odd. . .which Freddy's was this?

And why Snake-Eyes/Black Dragon???

And why single packs?!??? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Was this the one close to the Thor/Freya exit?

Because I saw a couple over there that IMO are genuine packaging errors. Like one was a BAT in a CLAWS package for example. I wouldn't be surprised either if a Black Dragon got packed onto an SE card.


04-30-2005, 01:58 PM
No, this was a definite swap. It was hand-painted black over the normally gold detailing, and not very well. I've seen his swaps so far at the North Division Fred Meyer (Comic Pack Snake Eyes (from the Scarlett/Kwinn/SE pack) swapped with Ninja Lightning Snake Eyes) and the Valley Fred Meyer (the Black Dragon ninja swap, and then the comic pack issue 21 SE swapped for, strangely enough, the all black single pack version).