Rob Liefeld is a GI Joe plagerist? [Archive] - Forums

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05-11-2005, 02:04 AM

Sorry it's in spanish, but you can use to translate the text. You can clearly see how much Liefeld copies other artists.

Thanks to the translator page I was able to read the complete that they are spewing about my favorite comic book artist of all time... Michael Golden...

He did a lot of GI Joe stuff and was the most detailed artist I've ever seen.

So that website says it isn't plagerism because Roadblock can not physically hold such a large weapon. Only the cybernetic arm of Cable could. So it's more likely Cable's drawing is the more accurate, the more credible drawing. Nevermind the fact that the "cybernetic arm" isn't holding the bulk of the weapon where the trigger is.

Nevermind the fact that the drawing of Roadblock exsisted years before that drawing of Cable.

I understand Liefeld wants to honor another artist... but?? I've never been a fan of Liefeld... now I abolutely dispise him.

What do you think?

Click here for more Liefeld art oddities...

05-11-2005, 08:05 AM
Yeah, I've known about Liefeld's Roadblock rip off and others for years.

It's pretty sad....

What is worse though, is that he is still working in comics! I saw some new Liefeld "Shatterstar" comic a few weeks ago. :eek:

05-11-2005, 08:14 AM
Uggghh....Don't get me started on that guy

05-11-2005, 12:50 PM
Rob Liefeld has never had original idea in his life. EVERY character he has "created" has been a complete ripoff of someone else. Remember a book called "Dooms Four"?. It was about a superhero team with all of the powers of the FF just rearranged. There was even a character called Grimm. What about thet Darker Image character who was a Lobo ripoff? The list goes on and on..Why this guy never got his pants sued off for plagarism is beyond me. He totally sucks.

Anyone who has anything to say against the most underappreciated artist EVER to work in comics, MIke Golden, I have a problem with.

Did I mention Liefeld blows?

Now I Know...
05-11-2005, 01:19 PM
I have never seen the appeal in Leifield.

Every male character of bulk looks exactly like Cable.I call it the Captain Chapel Cable look.
Every male character not of bulk looks exactly like Shatterstar.

Every female character looks like Domino.

And then there's the required height problems.Average non super empowered characters come about crotch high on Captian Chapel Cable.Which if the average person is at least 5' 7",that would make Captian Chapel Cable near 12' tall.

Seeing his Roadblock rip off,just gives me one more reason to hate Leifield.

Oh and lets not forget Leifield destroying every single good thing Joe Casey had done on Cable in one issue.

05-12-2005, 01:32 AM
Speaking of crotches and bad anatomy...

05-12-2005, 10:26 AM
I've hated Rob Liefeld since he totally screwed up the New Mutants. I agree that the guy does nothing but steal other people's ideas. That's one reason I hated Image when it first started - the vast majority of the titles were nothing but rip-offs of other comics by DC or Marvel. Ugh!!!

05-14-2005, 10:20 AM
This is such a weird thread for me personally to read, because i found out something interesting about rob leifeild few years back. I went to savannah college of art and design when i started college, and they a seminar weekend before school started. I took a sequential art comic book 1 hour class by walt simonson, who worked on thor a long time, and other stuff. Well, walt told us a few comic book stories and such, and 1 was how his wife and leifield has co created cable, and leifeild took all the credit. Mr. simonson came across as a nice and down to earth guy, and this kinda seems like something sneeky leifield would do, so who knows what side is accurate, that is just what i had heard and never forgotten from walt.

05-14-2005, 10:41 AM
This is such a weird thread for me personally to read, because i found out something interesting about rob leifeild few years back. I went to savannah college of art and design when i started college, and they a seminar weekend before school started. I took a sequential art comic book 1 hour class by walt simonson, who worked on thor a long time, and other stuff. Well, walt told us a few comic book stories and such, and 1 was how his wife and leifield has co created cable, and leifeild took all the credit. Mr. simonson came across as a nice and down to earth guy, and this kinda seems like something sneeky leifield would do, so who knows what side is accurate, that is just what i had heard and never forgotten from walt.

I think I know what you're saying. Didn't his wife WRITE the first few issues that intriduced Cable? She should get 1/2 credit...

05-14-2005, 03:24 PM
i'm not sure Simonson's wife would want any credit for a turd of a character like cable. she probablly wants to distance herself as far away from liefield and cable's stench as she can. hahah, sorry, i just hate most of the image artists anyway. hide the hands and feet... OOOOH mysterious MIST is what we need on every panel!!!! YES THIS COMIC RULES!!!!

05-14-2005, 06:13 PM
Liefeld is a complete and total hack but he still draws long lines at big comic cons

05-14-2005, 10:14 PM
I have hated Liefield since I first saw Image. Most of the characters are exactly like Cable, Wolverine, Wild Child, Shatterstar and I am sure the list can go on. Its like look let me put a different outfit on Cable and name him Co-ax. There new character; and instead of his telekinesis glowing blue, how about red. There no one will ever know.

05-15-2005, 02:58 AM
The only words that come to mind is "OH MY GOD!!!!" I never knew Rob Liefield is a plagierist! I only liked him because I liked his artwork on X-force when the first issue came out until his last issue on th series. I never knew about his copying other artists work. What a scumbag! Rob Liefield! YOU BLOW!!!! I'm so shocked!!!! I loved X-force!!!!!!!!! You have no idea!

05-15-2005, 03:11 AM
To be fair Rob does actually have a legit claim to the Cable character. Louise (sp?) did indeed create the Cable character in text, but it was actually Rob's (probally only originally design saved for Dominoe, which was also co-created off of his sketch pad design) art that lead to the then X-Men editor Joe Quesada approving the team switch and eventual re-launch of New Mutants into X-Force.

However... this does nothing to stave off the well-warranted criticism of his Image work.

Initially, I despised the Image brand and it's intended manifest. Just a bunch of whiners looking to make a few extra bucks. Real wise since they then had initial studio start-up costs which the original 13 break-aways had to make up out-of-pocket. When Spawn started to do well and others (Larsen excluded 'Savage Dragon') were faltering, Jeff took alot of expenditure slack until Image began to actually make money, which it did during it's inception, then faltered about 2 years later when we saw the collapse of several Image defectors rescinding their 'Indy' status and sub-contracting back with primarily DC and for a small scale Marvel.

The only first inception Image book I really hankered to was Black & White which failed. I even tried to give Jae Lee's and some other guys Wildcats and Youngblood books a try but was disgusted by the obvious X-men rips (Ripclaw? A blantant Wolvie rip).

Fortunately over the years Image has manage to bloodshed most of it's incipents and began to actually make decent works.

But Rob remains inexcusable in his infringement.

I don't really track artist and writer's anymore. My latest fave has been greg Horn's work on the Emma Frost (not-so-recently ended sadly). Now there is a guy with talent. If you didn't track the EF books you probally know him bvy his work on Electra, though I haven't been keeping too close of a track lately. In fact I'm about ready to drop everything except the 2 core X-titles and Astonishing (Joss Whedon is a god!). I need my money for other things anyways...

I hope I have my facts straight. If not I blame the beer and it being after 4 in the morning. I'm certain about the Louise Simonson thing though....

05-16-2005, 07:25 AM
To make matters worse, I just read an article that said Rob will be doing a couple issues on one of my favorite books, Teen Titans. Noooooooooooo! Looks like I'll be dropping that book for a few months.