variant or international Pac Rats? [Archive] - Forums

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01-17-2006, 10:24 AM
I recently got a sealed bag with all 3 Pac Rats unopened in it. When I went to open it I noticed that the individual bags holding each Pac Rat had a sticker on it that said made in Brazil. I checked the archives and didn't see anything about this, the instructions are all in english, the stickers are US release stickers and there is no Estrela Toys stamp on them anywhere, but after putting two of them together I noticed that the colors are more vibrant than normal Pac Rats, the green is darker and the red is brighter. Anyone have any info on these?

I was thinking maybe they were the mail in set but the made in Brazil sticker threw me and has me wondering what they are.

Here's a few pics:
All 3 in the big bag:

Bagged with made in Brazil sticker

and some comparason pics
The one with all 3 legs is the Brazil one

01-17-2006, 10:39 AM
One thread on the subject is good