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The Faceless Master
05-08-2006, 03:05 PM
YOU are a Cobra Officer hoping to climb the Cobra Corporate Ladder

On a routine patrol during midnight, you stumble upon a GIJoe Mobile
Command Center... what do you do?

- You have no idea who is in the MCC, or how many Joes there are
= only Level2 has the lights on

- You currently only have a squad of 4 Cobra Troopers within a 10mi radius
= you are authorized to request up to 20 more from a nearby Cobra camp

- You can request assistance from TWO Cobra Heirarchy members
= whether or not they give you credit is up to them

- You have authorization to use 2 of the same vehicle

When you have made all your decisions for personell, then what do you do?
You have 2mins to decide before a GIJoe warning signal is alerted... :cool:

05-08-2006, 06:13 PM
Well, call in the 20 extra Troopers, request assistance from Destro and CC, Use two Night Ravens to drop an air strike on the MCC and invade it with your Troopers.

May seem excessive if there's only one guy in there and he's using the MCC as an RV but why take the chance?