View Full Version : Text Messaging-arrrrrrrrggghhh!

12-16-2007, 04:46 PM
I have certain friends who just LOVE to carry on whole converstaions through text messaging. Not a little message, not a little "hi" or something small and to the point, WHOLE conversations! When it try to wrap it up, they keep bringing up new topics or ask me a new questions. WHY DON'T YOU JUST CALL AND TALK TO ME????????

I texted a friend asking her if she was going to a party. Only really needing "yes" or "no" response. She said "no", I said "OK cool" and then she carried on a back and forth conversation. When I tried to wrap it up, she brought up the Packers. The Packers!

Another friend who is going through......relationship problems, send me a message that my phone had to break up into THREE different texts. That's how long it was. She was sad, confused, lonely, needed to talk to someone, felt like life had no point (among other things) and just basically told me she was sad and life is crap. It was the most doom-n-gloom message I'd ever received, I just sat there and stared at my phone. do I respond to that in 20 words or less????? I'm happy to be there for my friends, but not everything is text message appropriate! CALL AND TALK!!!!!!!!! I'll pick up!

Then I feel I have to keep texting because if I ignore it, I'll feel like a bad friend for purpously not answering. I have to then sit there and take time out from what I'm doing to endlessly poke at little keys to form words.



12-16-2007, 08:10 PM
Simple solution I use. Say your battery is about dead and you will talk to them