zombie lizard ninja by the odinson


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  1. #1

    zombie lizard ninja by the odinson

    i really think satan has possessed me.

    throwing star belt buckle

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  3. #2
    I like him, he looks really cool an really good!!! Is this the last one for the set or are you gonna do more?

  4. #3
    Nice. I somehow ended up with half dozen various Bossk's but never thought about using them for anything.

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  6. #4
    This guys is my favorite of the whole set thus far...!

  7. #5
    thanks guys. i fear i have exhausted the ninja/ monster/ sw figure formula for now, though i may have one or two more goofy ass ideas for this subset on down the road. next for me is a battle damaged b.a.t., toxo damaged haz mat b.a.t., zombie frostbite, then perhaps a zartan and destro.

  8. #6
    Cant wait to see them ALL!!!!!

  9. #7

    I love this one! What a great way to finish the set!

  10. #8
    Looks awesome,never seen anything like it so definitely original!!!
    You can build a throne with bayonets, but you can't sit on it for long. -Boris Yeltsin

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