*****possible spoilers in thread*****

Fred Van Lente you clever devil.
GIJOE Extreme as a reality TV show? Great way to take what is reviled by most, and make it palpable.
and then to combine it with Bulletman? twice the audacity.
Was this just an excuse to give us a lot of Cover Girl in a bikini? Girls with guns and all that.
The story was fun, well except for the guy in the baseball cap.
A fresh twist and an underlying suspicion, lead us back to the aforementioned wife of Duke Aisha. and now is that who we think it could be? has he returned?
we heard he was coming back after all.
Now just who had the not so bright idea to bring back the DDP Cover Girl/Shipwreck romance? All because he and she went on a swimming date in the episode "The Germ."
not a bad issue. I think people need to give Van Lente more credit.