*****possible spoilers in thread*****

Isaac is an individual you do not want to cross.
I liked the way Paoli and Siren interacted. Neither trusted each other but Siren had no choice. I am sure she knows what truly is going on.
Scarlett got that promotion finally.
The way Traviss writes GIJOE I can see a group in Afghanistan or Africa or Iraq acting just like this.
Soldiers sent to do a job. Maybe they don't agree with the reasons but they follow orders.
Duke as competition by being a private contractor is a very nice twist. Having him be hired by Cobra and he not knowing is even better.
that one caught me off guard.
"Don't tell the Baroness"
The best part was the script. Seeing how Traviss writes and how she is attentive to detail was a nice bonus.
I don't think I have ever seen a comic script before either so it was also informative.
Nothing like the behind the scenes stuff to add some spice to a book.
like issue 1 there was virtually no action.
I think readers need to get used to this style of storytelling. It may make for a better payoff and satisfaction when we do get some action. Maybe.
It does make sense in a way to not beat us over the head with constant machine gun fire.