Crimson Guard

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Thread: Crimson Guard

  1. #1

    Crimson Guard

    Don´t know where to put this thread exactly, and I decided in comic, if it´s not the place, change it.

    I was reading the filecard of the new Crimson Guards in the web, and it says "each siegie undergoes plastic surgery (...) so that each troop will look similar".
    I think that if the CG´s are elite society infiltrating troops, how can they look similiar?

    The file card says too "at least two, and perhaps more, prominent members of Congress (and dozens of lobbysts) are rumored to be siegies in deep undercover..."
    How is possible the exintance of two identical members of the congress "in deep undercover", people don´t realize that?

    I can understand the existence of some CG´s who undergoes plastical surgery, like family Fred, for some mission or to replace one person or other CG , but all!!! I think an army of identical people infiltrating into any society will never have a good undercover...

    And, if I remember well, in numbers #40 and #41 from Marvel, appears Jones, the Crimson Guard who makes the plan to create Cobra Island, and he is not similar to the Fred family or to the first Crimson Guard who appeared in the number #29, when Cobra Commander presents the new Crimson Guard troops to the Cobra masses.

    For that, I think that maybe for some missions a team of Crimson Guards would make plastic surgery to look similar, but not all the Crimson Guard look similar like the Filecard says (and in the pack are two different ethnies, a black guy and two white guys).
    Use of plastic surgery to replace a prominent citizen or a killed CG, or for a new infiltrate mission it´s ok, but for build a clone troop seems to me a ridiculous idea.

    It´s my opinion, what do you think?

    P.D.: Excuse the errors with my english...
    Last edited by Dinamiteru; 12-01-2004 at 07:24 PM.

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  3. #2
    Good point. I assumed they were talking about the Fred series CGs also, but you bring up some good points. It's probably just another case of the card writers not paying attention to the comics continuity, that wouldn't be anything new.


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