Guess my favorite joe's /cobra's contest!!!!

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  1. #1

    Guess my favorite joe's /cobra's contest!!!!

    Ok, sorry I was a few days late on posting this. Anyway here's the objective. Guess which 2 joe's and which 2 cobra's are my favorite figures. For example ( v1 snake eye's, v2 snake eyes, v1 cobra commander, v2 cobra commander) Mutt is obviously my favorite joe, so he doesn't count. Rules 1 post per person every other day. Must get all 4 correct. I'll post a clue each week. So this might take a while depending on how many people try. Good luck to everyone, and I'm still working on a prize. Being this will take some time, I'll make it something good. Good luck to everyone and thanks, Bill

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  3. #2
    Member Viper Commander's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Cobra City Terrordrome
    ver1 Law & Order
    ver2 Spearhead & Max

    Ver1 Crocmaster
    Ver1 Big Boa

    Did I get any right?

  4. #3
    VaV Snake Eyes (new one with timber)
    v1 Zartan (is that a cobra? or you mean only cobra org members)
    Major Barrage
    Firefly v1
    My Joes for Sale right here any loose fig 3 dollars or less:

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  6. #4
    v1 Snake Eyes
    v2 Snake Eyes

    v1 Cobra Commander
    v2 Cobra Commander

    He who dies with the most DEAD!!!

  7. #5
    V2 Snake Eyes
    V1 Law & Order

    V1 Storm Shadow
    V1 Firefly

  8. #6
    airborne v1
    rock n roll v2

    storm shadow v1
    Destro v1

  9. #7

    My Guess


    v. 1 Gnawgyhyde (something like that)
    v. 2 B.A.T.


    v. 1 Shipwreck
    v. 1 Lowlight

    How'd I do???


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