Help Update the Argentina Archive!

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  1. #1

    Help Update the Argentina Archive!

    I have been tasked with updating the International Archive. My plan is to go country by country and fill in gaps, organize what's already available and update pages and images. My first order of business is Argentina. I need your help, though. There are tons of missing figures, vehicles and playsets in the archive. If you would like to contribute images from your collection, I am looking for the following:

    Loose images of figure fronts and backs
    Loose images of accessories
    Filecard Images
    Filecard translations
    Carded images: front and back

    If you have any photos of your Argentine Joe collection, please send me a PM. I will then give you my contact info.


    Mike T.

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  3. #2
    Hi there, this is my first post.
    I'm a joe's collector from Argentina since 1989.
    I'm interested to contribute, what do you need for the archive?

  4. #3
    I can get you a pic of my Argentinian HAL with box (box is already pictured on Yojoe). But that's the only decent item I have.
    Let me know when you reach the european countries, because they're pretty messud up in the archive (especially the Belgian/Netherlands part is not very accurate)
    -Marc (Hardcore'82-'86!)

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  6. #4
    I have a really nice loose ninja ku loose. no weapons though if that pic would help PM me

  7. #5

    Does this include..?

    The 12" figures like Dragao Negro and Torak?

  8. #6
    Hi there!
    Dragao Negro and Torak aren't from Argentina (I supose those are Brasilians).
    I'm finishing a checklist from all the Plastirama items, when it's done I'll post it for better references.

    PS: are you needding some photos from any toy?

  9. #7
    Hi guys I have an Argentine HISS and driver Mint condition.I bought it ten years ago in Argentina for $10 U.S.However I've been looking on here for images of it and I cant find any.I know its the real thing because I bought it there and the HISS has a Plastarama sticker on it and the driver has Plastarama inscribed either on his rearend or thigh(its in my dark dungeon bsmt).Maybe in the next couple days I'll have pics of it(waiting on a camera I bought on EBAY).Hopefully one of the experts can help me identify it and put a vaue on it.

  10. #8
    I done some checking and I found the HissDriver on this site.He's in the archives,under argentina other items.The figure called cobra.If my memory is correct the name on the box I had(threw it away,all beat to H***)was Cobra Enemigo.He came package with the Hiss,I have him and the Hiss.I wish I wouldve kept the box,but at that time GI JOE was fading and I didnt think it would be significant.But if I have one someone else out there is sure to have one too.Cant wait to get you guys some pics.

  11. #9


    Mea Culpa! Guess they're from Brazil then!

  12. #10
    Hi there! Well, these is the first part of the Argentinian G.I.Joe Comandos Heróicos checklist than I promise you earlier, soon I'll refreshing with the other 2 waves (and the misterious four wave/GIJoe Generación 2):

    First Wave (1988/89)


    _ Ranger (Stalker)
    _ Oficial de Comunicaciones (Breaker)
    _ Cobra Invasor (Snake-Eyes)
    _ Soldado Bazooka (Zap)
    _ Soldado Mortero (Short-Fuze)
    _ Soldado Laser (Flash)
    _ Oficial de Inteligencia (Scarlett)
    _ Soldado Ametralladora (Rock'n Roll)
    _ Frente de Batalla (Grunt)
    _ Cobra (Cobra Soldier)
    _ Oficial Cobra (Cobra Officer)

    _ Cobra Mortal (Not in catalog - Argentinian exclusive)
    _ Glenda (Not in catalog - Argentinian exclusive)
    _ Manleh (Not in catalog - Argentinian exclusive)
    _ Shimik (Not in catalog - Argentinian exclusive)
    _ Redmack (Not in catalog - Argentinian exclusive)
    _ Topson (Not in catalog - Argentinian exclusive)


    _ Robot Ametralladora (Pac/Rat Machine Gun)
    _ Robot Lanza-llamas (Pac/Rat Flame Thrower)
    _ Robot Lanza-misiles (Pac/Rat Missile Launcher)
    _ Cobra HISS (HISS, Cobra Soldier included as pilot)
    _ Artillería Pesada (Slugger, no driver included)
    _ Lanza-rayos Laser (HAL, no driver included)
    _ Turbo Submarino Aereo SHARC (S.H.A.R.C. Flying Submarine, Deep Six included)
    _ Tanque Lanza-misiles (Wolverine, no driver included)

    _ Ala Delta Camuflada GIJOE (Falcon Glider, V1: Tan Grunt included as pilot, V2: Tan Ripcord included as pilot - Not in catalog)
    _ Ala Delta Camuflada Cobra (Viper Glider, Cobra Soldier included as pilot - Not in catalog)

    Second Wave (1990/91)


    _ Médico (Doc)
    _ Lanza-llamas (Blowtorch)
    _ Agente Secreta (Covergirl)
    _ Destro (Destro)
    _ Cobra de Hielo (Stormshadow)
    _ Soldado Halcón (V1: Tan Grunt, V2: Tan Ripcord)
    _ Soldado de la Selva (Recondo)
    _ Mercenario (Torch)
    _ Red Cobra (Argentinian exclusive)
    _ Cobra Black (Argentinian exclusive)


    _ Hidronave Torpedera (Moray Hydrofoil, no driver included)
    _ Transporte Táctico Anfibio (APC - Amphibious Personnel Carrier)
    _ Jet de Combate XP-14F Skystriker (Combat Jet Skystriker XP-14F, Tan Grunt included as pilot)
    _ Tanque Puente Bridge Layer (Bridge Layer Toss-N-Cross, no driver included)
    _ Cuadrimoto Metralla (Ferret ATV)
    _ Helicóptero de Combate (Assault Copter Dragonfly XH-1, no driver included)
    _ Jet Nave (Sky Hawk - Vertical Take-Off and Landing Aircraft)
    _ Motosicleta Silver Mirage (Silver Mirage Motorcycle)
    _ Buggy Cross Táctico (A.W.E. Striker, no driver included)
    _ Cobra FANG (Fully Armed Negator Gyrocopter)
    _ Transporte de Armas (Weapon Transport)
    _ Desembarco Nocturno Cobra (Cobra Night Landing)
    _ Barreminas (Bomb Disposal Unit)

    Third Wave (1991/92)


    _ Sargento Slaughter (Sgt. Slaughter)
    _ Quick-Kick (Quick Kick)
    _ Comando Anti-Fuego (Barbecue)
    _ Comando Paracaidista (Crazylegs)
    _ Flint (Flint)
    _ Capitan del Aire (Airborne)
    _ Soldado de Asalto (Rip Cord)
    _ Escalador de Montaña (Alpine)
    _ Infantería Pesada (Footloose)
    _ Cobra Hombre-Rana (Eels)

    _ Desactivador de Bombas (Not in catalog - Argentinian exclusive)
    This one came as gift with the larger vehicles.

    Vehicles (soon)

    I hope this help to the archive. Soon photos from my collection.
    Last edited by Stil; 10-09-2007 at 07:43 AM.


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