Roc/PoC file cards

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  1. #1

    Roc/PoC file cards

    So, do you guys still clip your file cards these days? I got into it with PoC, and recently clipped all my RoC filecards to go along with them (I save all my cardbacks). The change in filecard size is definitely not better than the old size, and there's less character information, but clipping them out is still something I enjoy, plus I notice details that would otherwise have escaped my attention. Is anyone else still looking at the cards these days? I'll admit, with all the wanton code name and file name shuffles, especially during RoC, we haven't had reason to-- but PoC's getting better.

    I'd also like to point out two small things that amuse me.
    #1: Wave 3 PoC Duke has the same face on his file card as RoC's Air Raid. Different hair, eyes and clothes, and an added scar on the cheek, but otherwise it's the same guy:
    YOJOE.COM | Filecard Gallery - Air Raid
    YOJOE.COM | Filecard Gallery - Duke (version forty-three)

    #2: RoC Snow Job and Sgt. Thunder(blast) from the Alpha vehicles have the creepiest faces I've ever seen on any file cards ever. Computer generated, trying to be lifelike, and failing in a way that is singularly horrifying.
    YOJOE.COM | Filecard Gallery - Sgt. Thunderblast
    YOJOE.COM | Filecard Gallery - Snow Job (version four)

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  3. #2
    I haven't been clipping them recently, but I'm going to have to in order to save some space. I have half of a shelf in my cabinet packed full of cardbacks, filecards, paperwork, and unapplied sticker sheets from collecting Joes.

    I do still read them when I get a new figure. Although there is not much to read. But, some of the fun with the PoC line is it's kind of vague. They provide some basic information and the rest is up to the imagination, which is good in my opinion if a person's into dios and whatnot.

    I would like to see characters pictures return to cardbacks. I think they're going to be doing that. With the ARAH line and 25th line, the cardbacks were about as nice as the fronts. Plus, I think they're a good way to advertise the other figures. I remember when I was a kid, the cardbacks were cool to look at and almost served as a checklist of sorts.

    And, I thought PoC Wave 3 Duke's face looked familiar.

  4. #3
    I read them. I collect them now as cardbacks though, I use an exacto blade to remove the plastic and keep the cardback.
    I'm into Heavy Metal, mayhem and explosions.....


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